Annual Report 2020
President's Report
The last 12 months have certainly been challenging to our organisation as a whole, our Members, staff and Management Committee. Just 12 months ago when the new committee came together for our strategic planning workshop we were in survival mode. The Committee and staff put our collective shoulders to the wheel and set about mapping the survival of Stepping Stone.
Not long after that a pandemic was declared and threw in a whole lot of unexpected challenges at us, which again the entire organization rose to. Since then the staff and Management Committee have worked tirelessly to improve processes, operations, reduce costs and look for new sources of revenue. That work has delivered significant dividends, culminating in the Queensland Government’s commitment to fund Stepping Stone to the tune of $1.4 million over the next two years. It had been an absolute privilege to serve as your President and I step down confident that we have strengthened our organization and secured its future for the next several years. My heartfelt thanks go to my fellow Committee members and to the staff of Stepping Stone. Your passion, dedication and enthusiasm have helped us achieve so much over the past twelve months and it’s exciting to think of what lies ahead.
Miguel A Diaz MBA, FGIA
2019/20 Management Committee
President – Miguel Diaz
Vice President – Martina McGrath
Treasurer – Sara Watling
Secretary – Kerrin Dickinson
General Members
Anne-Marie Carroll
Brett Emmerson
Natasha Bonacchi
Heddy Macaulay
Will McKinlay
Executive Director's Report
Well, how do you even put into words what we’ve experienced that last 12 months. To say that this year has been a challenge is an understatement. The first challenge was the fall-out from a major decrease in Queensland Health funding. With a new Management Committee elected in November 2019, our sole focus was on financial stability.
Through advocacy to state and federal governments, support from our local state member, Joe Kelly and federal member, Terri Butler, new funding from BSPHN and a continuing increase in NDIS funding we finished the financial year in a much better position than originally feared. Thank-you to our Management Committee who often met weekly to ensure we ended the year with financial stability.
And of course, the second major challenge was COVID-19. Who would have thought a pandemic would have brought the world to its knees. COVID-19 tested us on all of our values – agile, community, purpose, belong and enjoyment.
We were agile like we have never been before. At 4.30pm on 23rd March we temporarily closed our doors for the first time in Stepping Stone’s lifetime. Yes there were some tears shed, however, we knew this would not be forever. We quickly developed a virtual Clubhouse and rapidly changed service delivery, several times. Over the following 62 days we had multiple zoom calls per day, started an online Facebook Community group, sent daily text messages to over 200 members, delivered food hampers thanks to Oz Harvest and delivered meals to hundreds of members.
The way the Clubhouse community came together during this time was pure magic. Our purpose was even more important:- to ensure our community stayed connected and supported during the pandemic. And although there were many tough days, there was a lot of enjoyment during this time. We bonded over gardening, cooking demonstrations, card making classes, Zoomba lessons. We reminded each other when things felt grim, that those with a mental health issues have been through darker times before, often isolated and alone, however our virtual world allowed us to be connected and with a sense of belonging.
So what did this year teach me? Never underestimate the tenacity of Stepping Stone. Our community can remain connected in whatever format possible. Never underestimate the strength of people with mental health issues. At times, when I was exhausted and scared, I drew strength from our community, who continuously reminded me that even during the toughest time, I can dig deep and keep going. A huge thank-you to the staff, who were so flexible during this time. Thanks to my two rocks, Morag and Jaimi – we are a force to be reckoned with. Each day is a joy to be walking this path together. Finally thank-you to members who rose above and beyond this year.
So I am wishing for easier times for the next year. However, I now know, that Stepping Stone can endure what ever is thrown our way.
Melanie Sennett
Executive Director
“COVID19 has been an issue for me, as I live alone and have only a few family members here in Queensland who were very reluctant to visit during the self isolation period of lockdown for fear of imparting the illness to me. That lockdown was excruciatingly painful for me. I am by nature a people’s person who likes to hug but I form part of the high-risk group due to age and
various medical conditions including Diabetes and high Blood Pressure. Stepping Stone and Oz Harvest stepped up to the plate and provided not only some necessary and much needed groceries but also a sense of belonging and human connection during an incredibly lonely and exasperating time. It is well known that isolation has a very debilitating effect on the mental health of our society. To that end social connection is a very therapeutic action which we can all perform in one way or another.”